I made my order today!!! I am excited to try Explode the Code books this year. My younger sister, who also homeschools, recommended these books to me and they are great! For my daughter I ordered books 1-4 at a Kindergarten level. For my son I ordered books 6-8 at a Grade 4 level. There is also a pocket chart which follows the workbooks loaded with stories and activities to emphasize the lessons. I chose Horizons Math this year for both of my children.
I ordered also the Language arts handbook Grade 4 for Jordan and Treasure Island series #1-#6 at $2.95 per book.
I got very lucky this year and got boxes full of free "stuff" for Kindergarten level from a retired teacher of 22 years. So I have all of the reading material needed for Jenna, sight words included!
This year's Science subject is the human body. I already have the books so I ordered charts and models to help visualize.
So there we go!!!! Here comes our second year, starting on August first!!!!!