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I am a determined Wife and Mother of three, living the peaceful yet busy country life!

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Almost the weekend!!!

This week has been a very productive one with the kids. Our daughter reviewed all the letters and their sounds, focusing on Q. She also reviewed writing numbers up to 12. We did puzzles, crafts, games and both kids planted the first of our seeds...peppers! I am excited for another year of growing fresh food!
Our boy worked primarily on dictation, wrote and memorized a poem (about Dinos of course), practiced counting money, number place value and bar graphs.
Our Science lessons this week were focused on the planet Mars. We read a lot and did an experiment of dropping marbles in flour to visualize how craters are formed. We learned that Mars has the biggest volcano and canyon in our solar system.
What wonderful, learning adventures! I am so grateful for the opportunities and challenges that being a Mother brings.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The only thing that interferes with my learning is my education.” Albert Einstein

Monday, March 26, 2012

Back on schedule

I have been doing so many home projects the last few weeks that our schedule has been compromised. So, after a discussion with my husband, the schedule got a fresh new start today. After our morning session of antonyms, synonyms, dictation, reading and spelling, our son needed a nap. We will continue with Math and Science when he is ready to start again.
Our pre-school aged daughter has the luxury of doing with the rest of her day as she chooses because her work for the day is completed. Truth be told she could and most of the time chooses to do work as long as her brother who is at the third grade level, but I gave her time to rest while the other two kids are resting and gave myself some time to come update.