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Welcome to my Fontier!

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I am a determined Wife and Mother of three, living the peaceful yet busy country life!

Friday, April 13, 2012


Spring is such a beautiful time of year. Also a very busy time of year! Our growing season is quite short so I start my seeds indoors. This is my second year starting from seed. This is a great learning experience and hands-on activity for the kids! We talked about photosynthesis and how to keep our plants healthy.

Knife safety and whittling

Yesterday we had scouts and learned to use knives safely. I thought this activity could be used for homeschooling as well, with the appropriate ages. Our scout group are eight and nine year old boys.
1. Talk about knife safety: how to use a knife, sharpen and clean a knife.
2. Each child gets a bar of soap. Show the children how to hold the soap and what direction they will move their knifes to whittle (Away from the body that is!).
3. Whittle away! My boy carved his soap to look like a boat.
4. Help and show the boys how to wipe off and close their knives.
5. They get to use their own carved soap for a fun camp out!
With the scout group, I talked to the parents and made them aware their boy had a pocket knife.

This was such a fun activity for boys and they get to earn a whittling award at pack meeting! :)

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Spelling third grade level

We practice a spelling list of 25 words Monday, Tuesday and Thursday. Each Friday is the spelling test.

Silly Sally

Preschool letter "S" fun!
OKAY, SO THESE ARE SHEEP (just in case you couldn't tell) !:)

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


It's always hard getting the kids to concentrate after a holiday weekend. But we made it through a monday with Math, Reading, Spelling, handwriting and even had time to visit the grandparents. I just have to remember to take it day by day...