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I am a determined Wife and Mother of three, living the peaceful yet busy country life!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

What we've been learning...

I haven't posted in a week but here's an overview of what we have been doing:
 Our son has been working on fractions and measurements. I had the kids help make cookies and put to use the measuring spoons and cups. To help visualize fractions, we used different colored rocks in a cup. For instance, if there were six rocks all together and one of them were black, we would have a fraction of  1/6. He really enjoyed this and has a brain for these types of concepts. He finished his last quiz in math with 100%. We use Teaching Textbooks which I highly recommend because not only do they get a sit down lesson, but then they do the lesson at the computer and it is quite fun and they can check their own work and percentage.
We are also finishing up American history chapter 10 with two more chapters to go. He is reading his last book in the Ready Freddy series and we are reading Courage of Sarah Noble. We all sit and read this book, our daughter enjoys it as well. He is also finishing up his cursive handwriting book and is doing much better!  We would like to finish these books up by next week: our big test!!
Our daughter is finishing up with the letter V. We have been reviewing the letters and their sounds and practicing putting their sounds together to make words. She wants to read so bad and the BOB books are great because she can read them herself with help of the pictures. There are four of them that she can read. We have also been doing a lot of reading together. One of her favorite chapter books right now is Beauty and the Beast. We have been reviewing her numbers as well. I collected different food items such as raisins, noodles etc. for her to count and glue.
Last week we went to the Natural Resource Festival and has so much fun. We came home with a lot of learning material and information. I also got a lot of ideas for scouts which is a bonus! So, we have been doing the online games, coloring pages and activity books this week and the kids have really enjoyed it. Happy Learning!!!!